uncle dox

Checking in!!

Hi Everyone! Heather here. Wanted to check in and give a quick update on all things Orbs related. First, as you may have heard, we collaborated on a fun song called “Cornfield” with our friend Uncle Doxthat will be available soon on iTunes…..but while you are waiting, why not give a listen to tomorrow morning’s Radio Active Kids show, where we hear “Cornfield” will be played. Yes, the rumors are true….I am rapping on this song!!! Just call me MC Heather (ha-ha!!!). In all seriousness, we hope you like it!! It was really great to work on.

Secondly, we are furiously recording our 1st full length album!! Between running a piano studio (me), and working on a PhD (Eddie), this process has taken a little longer than expected, but IT IS HAPPENING!!!! No album title yet……it is seriously hard to decide on such an important symbol of the awesomeness that is this album. I cannot wait to share it with all of you!!!

Lastly, we also have a new batch of songs waiting in the wings for the YouTube Audio Library. We truly enjoy checking out all of the creative videos our songs are being used in. It is also pretty cool, I’ll have to admit, when your little nephew turns on a video, and there you are singing “Shoo Fly Shoo”.

Thanks for reading this and checking in.




So excited to share this cool new song by Uncle Dox—-ELEPHANTS!! I was fortunate enough to be able to add some back-up vocals along with a great crew of our Kindie music friends including Jason from Jason Didner and the Jungle Gym Jam, Lucy Kalantari, and Vivi Melody. I really love this song…it’s so fun! You can buy or stream it now!! Enjoy!!

–Heather 🙂